
Butleigh C of E Primary School

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Butleigh C of E Primary School

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It is our intention at Butleigh C of E Primary School is for all children to enquire, engage with and understand Britain’s historical past and history of the wider world. For children to build confidence with asking pertinent questions that will develop their curiosity and make comparisons over different periods of time. For children to understand people’s lives and understand how their lives have been influenced by actions in the modern world. For children to take part in trips that will engage them and bring historical learning to life, through workshops and visiting different museums/galleries.


We aim for Butleigh children to be historians who:

  • Have an excellent knowledge and understanding of people, events and contexts from a range of historical periods and of historical concepts and processes.
  • Have the ability to think critically about history and communicate ideas very confidently in styles appropriate to a range of audiences.
  • Have the ability to consistently support, evaluate and challenge own and others views using detailed, appropriate and accurate historical evidence from a range of sources.
  • Have a passion for history and sense of curiosity about the past an why people interpret the past in different ways.

Respect historical evidence and making use of it to support their explanations and judgements




Each teacher is responsible for delivering History lessons under the subject titles of ‘Topic’. Lessons can be cross-curricular. At the beginning of each topic, staff decide together which specific themed activities they would like to complete, such as cooking. Topics are currently on a 2-year rolling programme. Each term, optional topic homework is set. This links directly to our chosen topic in school. This is to develop wider links and develop deeper historical enquiry and research.



At the beginning of each topic, we take our objectives from the National Curriculum. We ensure activities provide opportunities for cross-curricular activities. Year 1 planning will have two History topics, with 1 topic being Geography based (with History links). Year 2 will have two Geography topics (with History links), with 1 being History based (with Geography links).


Key Stage 1 and 2 will learn:

To investigate and interpret the past.

To understand chronology.

To build an overview of world history.

To communicate historically.




Children develop their knowledge and understanding of key historical figures, dates and periods of time. Children develop a sense of chronology across British and World history. Children feel confident to ask questions to further their understanding and help to understand key historical concepts, such as cause and consequence, similarities and differences. Children feel inspired to further their historical enquiry at home or at secondary school.



Recording of lessons will take place in Topic books (Geography/ History) or our topic floor books across all year groups. Work will also be documented through displays, website pictures and celebrated in assemblies.  Children may also invite parents in to see work at the end of a topic eg WW2 museum day. Work may be displayed in the local community eg VE day celebration display in the village hall.



On our annual reports, which are given to parents at the end of the year, a judgement will be made regarding their child’s attainment in History relating to the national curriculum for their year group.



Curriculum leader to collate evidence including analysing how planning matches the evidence in books, learning walks, speaking to pupils about their learning and discussing with colleagues what has gone well as well as any lessons learnt.

History progression of knowledge and skills

Butleigh Church of England Primary School - "pupils enjoy learning at this school"